
Principal Investigator, Evaluating and Enhancing the Resilience of Deep Learning Models, (03-06-2019 to 02-06-2020) Nanyang Technological University, Amount: 100,000 SGD. Account No. M4082474.020


Over the last decade, deep learning has become an integral part of artificial intelligence. It has enabled great leaps of progress in the domains of computer vision, robotics, finance, medicine, and more. In the domain of cybersecurity, deep learning has been widely used to detect malware, intrusions, data leakage, theft, fraud, vulnerabilities, and so on. Given their ability to deal with complex problems and massive amounts of data, deep neural networks have often exceeded the capabilities of humans. However, these models are often trained and executed without considering the possibility of a malicious actor. Such an actor can abuse this powerful tool at any point of its life cycle. For example, the attacker may evade detection, force a system to cause damage, or even reveal confidential information contained within its training data. As a result, researchers have been exploring the domain of adversarial machine learning, to understand and mitigate this threat. Although multiple defence techniques exist, they either apply to computer vision problems, or can be evaded by countering the countermeasures. Therefore, to better secure deep neural networks, we must develop the necessary techniques and tools to form a proactive arms-race. In this way, we can safely rely on deep neural networks to perform sensitive tasks and behave as expected. By implementing these tools, we will be able to fully utilize deep learning to further improve our quality of life.


The proposed research will focus on developing new methods how to measure a deep neural network’s resilience to all possible attacks with or without knowledge about the model structure and training set. During the research we will provide insights how to evaluate and improve the resilience of existing models. Specifically, we will evaluate the resilience by evaluating the quality of training/test data, testing the trained deep neural networks and testing the issues during development. Based on the evaluation, we will improve the robustness of the deep learning system by retraining the neural network offline and detecting adversarial examples online.

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